Or do you feel like there is just not enough time to get on top of things and enjoy motherhood?
Do you carry the weight of Mum-guilt of returning to work or losing your patience with the kid(s)?
Do you find yourself consumed by the mental load of motherhood, and all the laundry, tidying up, meals and snacks prep, naps and nappy changes, and - as for many of us - work commitments?
I can relate. I have been on a journey of discovering who I am as a Mum. I always wanted to do the job of a Mum well - to be a loving, patient and fun Mum. And I also wanted to stay present in my marriage, be active in my friendships, contribute to my community, remain (return to, let’s be honest!) being fit and healthy, keep my house guest-ready, and have a hobby. Yet, many a time I felt completely overwhelmed by all the 5-15 minute jobs on the never ending To Do list and the guilt that I was not spending these minutes with my children. The pressure of the To Do list and the weight of the Mum guilt, combined with the mental load of motherhood, drove me to lose my patience with my children very quickly. I couldn't be gracious or fun either. And I longed to be fulfilled. I wanted to mother purposefully. I needed to be empowered.
When I couldn’t come up with more than one goal for 2019 and I realised how wide the gap between the mother I became and the Mum I dreamed to be was, I took action to stop motherhood “happening to me”.
I set out on a mission to proactively design my 'Mumlife' and shape my boys’ future by being truly happy. I made a turnaround by turning to the coaching tools and methods I was equipped with.
I would love for you to have the same life changing experience. I would love to see you go beyond freeing yourself from the overwhelm and guilt, and begin mothering with a deep sense of purpose. I would love for you to step into the Mum you really want to be, the one that your kid(s) really need.
Mum on a Mission (MoM) Coaching is an 8-session programme of 30 minute coaching calls. We focus on what matters to you:
confidence, patience and calm
being on top of things and having more time
freeing yourself from the weight of mum-guilt
balancing work and family life, as well as your wellbeing (self-care)
achieving more without pressure
creating and enjoying activities with your child(ren)
(re)connecting with your spouse/family/friends/community.
I provide tools, strategies and structure. You get to design your life and take actions. You get daily transformational habits that last your lifetime. You get fulfilment. You get to love your life!
I know that as a Mum you have hands full (just like me!), and I make MoM Coaching really accessible. Our coaching sessions are over a video call so it feels like we're having a chat but without the hassle of getting somewhere.
I also know that Mums rarely spend on themselves and believe that Coaching is too expensive. I can only invite you to consider the cost of staying overwhelmed and guilty.
I know that for a lot of us Mums investing in ourselves and our own support appears more like spending what we could have spent on our kids. I can never determine the value of fulfilment and happiness, nor can I quantify the cost of overwhelm, guilt and stress. So I encourage you to think what it is worth to you, and how much (as %) of your annual income you can invest to progress.
What does it mean for you and your children?
What will they remember you like?
What is it worth to you to be the Mum you dream to be?
For you to decide what kind of investment is best for you, it is best for us to have a chat about what you'd like for us to work on. That way we will be able to decide on the length and frequency of the sessions to support you in the best way in what matters to you, fit in with your schedule and progress and celebrate at the right pace for you.
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